"A revival almost always begins among the people. The ecclesiastical leaders seldom welcome reformation. History repeats itself. The present leaders are too comfortably situated as a rule to desire innovation that might require sacrifice on their part. And God's fire only falls on sacrifice. An empty altar receives no fire!" -Frank Bartleman
All gatherings & meeting times will be humbly surrendered to the Holy Spirit.
As we minister to the Lord through prayer, adoration, worship, thanksgiving and praise, we will welcome the Spirit of God
to move freely among His people. As instructed by the Scriptures and led by the Holy Spirit, we will pray and sing with understanding and we will pray and sing with the spirit. From the overflow of the love and goodness of God, the gifts of the Spirit will edify, encourage, exhort, and equip the Body. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit for the profit of all! And by His grace, we will experience demonstrations of His power, healing, deliverance, prophetic words, deep conviction,
freeing repentance, heaven-fueled faith, fervent love, beautiful humility, unity in the Spirit, rivers of righteousness,
silencing shalom, explosive joy, the song of the Lord, the fear of the Lord,
simple obedience, intercessions, travails,
Kingdom instruction and empowerment!
Without apology, our heart is to first honor the Lord.
Therefore, our first ministry is to minister to Him.
And as we relearn how to minister to Him, Jesus ministers to His people.
We are not called to exalt the work of the Lord, but the Lord of the work.
May “the program" cease as we seek His Presence!
He is the Head of the body.
He is the Builder of the church.
He is the Bridegroom.
He is the Father of the family.
He is the All in all!
As we minister to the Lord through prayer, adoration, worship, thanksgiving and praise, we will welcome the Spirit of God
to move freely among His people. As instructed by the Scriptures and led by the Holy Spirit, we will pray and sing with understanding and we will pray and sing with the spirit. From the overflow of the love and goodness of God, the gifts of the Spirit will edify, encourage, exhort, and equip the Body. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit for the profit of all! And by His grace, we will experience demonstrations of His power, healing, deliverance, prophetic words, deep conviction,
freeing repentance, heaven-fueled faith, fervent love, beautiful humility, unity in the Spirit, rivers of righteousness,
silencing shalom, explosive joy, the song of the Lord, the fear of the Lord,
simple obedience, intercessions, travails,
Kingdom instruction and empowerment!
Without apology, our heart is to first honor the Lord.
Therefore, our first ministry is to minister to Him.
And as we relearn how to minister to Him, Jesus ministers to His people.
We are not called to exalt the work of the Lord, but the Lord of the work.
May “the program" cease as we seek His Presence!
He is the Head of the body.
He is the Builder of the church.
He is the Bridegroom.
He is the Father of the family.
He is the All in all!
MARCH 21st-23rd
MARCH 2025
Believers from around the country will be gathering in DOUGLAS, MA to welcome the Presence and embrace the Wineskin! MODELING BIBLICAL, FIRST CENTURY STYLE GATHERINGS AND COMMUNITY AS FUELED AND LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Believers from around the country will be gathering in DOUGLAS, MA to welcome the Presence and embrace the Wineskin! MODELING BIBLICAL, FIRST CENTURY STYLE GATHERINGS AND COMMUNITY AS FUELED AND LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.
2025 Gatherings |